The EuroMed Justice Programme gathered this week an impressive number of participants during its 11th CrimEx session.
This session, CrimEx members from 7 South Partner Countries and 9 EU Member States actively participated to the meeting. They welcomed representatives of Eurojust Board for the Relations with Partners, EJN, JITs, EJCN, Data Protection Office and Operations Department, EuroMed Police and SIRIUS projects, together with important global and regional stakeholders such as OSCE, UNODC-MATF network, SELEC, CARIN network and IAP.
Selected external experts joined the meeting and outlined the process and the methodology to update the EMJ tools and to create new practical guides or comparative analyses on JITs, data protection, procedural rights, e-evidence and assets recovery. Furthermore, the participants shared their views on the establishment of the EMJ network of contact points, with a subgroup on cybercrime and advanced in the preparation of the EMJ training component, the organisation of the 3rd Prosecutor General Forum, the collection of statistical data and the use of technical assistance facility.