Conference on Joint Investigations – Trier

15-16 May 2023



The Conference on joint and parallel investigations and exchange of information organised jointly between the Academy of European Law and the EuroMed Justice programme is a key achievement to the operational outcomes of the judicial cooperation process between South Partner Countries and EU Member States.

The main goal of the meeting was to identify concrete steps bringing judicial authorities from South Partner Countries closer to the possibility of organising joint and parallel investigations among themselves, with EMJ support, and with EUMS together with Eurojust or JITs Secretariat involvement.

The Conference gathered nearly 60 officials from all 9 SPCs and 10 EUMS together with several units of Eurojust, Europol, DG Near, EPPO, UNODC, Council of Europe, C-Proc and SELEC.

The discussions were oriented by the EMJ Team to identify the practical possibilities of SPCs participating in JITs with EUMSs, and with other SPCs.

On the same topic, a EMJ Practical Guide on JITs will be published at the end of the current phase of the EMJ Programme.

Also, EMJ, DG Near and SPCs interventions mentioned the importance of successful conclusions of the negotiations for bilateral International agreements between SPCs and Eurojust.