Fighting migrant smuggling conference / 18th CrimEx / 2nd EMJNet

19 – 21 September 2023


Tackling migrant smuggling is at the heart of the EuroMed Justice multiannual 2022 – 25 strategy. With the active support of the Cypriot Ministry of Justice and Attorney General’s office, Eurojust, EJN Secretariat, judges, prosecutors, representatives of Member States’ ministries and law enforcement, had the opportunity to continue the exchanges started in Athens in 2022 and to present their work on the topic, and the challenges they face regarding the international cooperation on this matter.

Cyprus Minister of Justice and the representative of the Attorney General opened the Conference. Eurojust Anti-trafficking team representative presented the tools and mechanisms offered by the European agency to support national judicial authorities on this topic.

The 18th CrimEx and the 2nd EMJNet followed Larnaca Conference. 18th CrimEx assessed the implementation of EMJ 5 Programme (2020 – 23), its impact in SPCs and debated the strategic documents and the priorities of the incoming 6th EMJ phase to be presented at the 5th PG Forum in November in Madrid. The 2nd EMJNet meeting allowed the members to explore the possibility to coordinate with Eurojust, EJN Secretariat and other networks and to consolidate its operational aspects.