EuroMed Justice project organised its 19th CrimEx and 3rd EMJNet meetings in the Hague

Under the framework of the 6th phase of the EuroMed Justice (EMJ) project, the 19th CrimEx and the 3rd EMJNet meetings were held on 29 and 30 May in a hybrid format at the Eurojust premises in the Hague. Criminal justice representatives from the EU South Partner Countries (SPCs) and the European Union Member States…

Launch of the new phase of the EuroMed Justice project

EuroMed Justice (EMJ) VI kicked off today with an online launching conference attended by high-level representatives of the South Partner countries \ and European Union Member States. Today’s conference marked the official start of the Project’s 6th phase, which has a budget of EUR 6 million and a duration of four years. In addition to…

Fighting migrant smuggling conference / 18th CrimEx / 2nd EMJNet

19 – 21 September 2023   Tackling migrant smuggling is at the heart of the EuroMed Justice multiannual 2022 – 25 strategy. With the active support of the Cypriot Ministry of Justice and Attorney General’s office, Eurojust, EJN Secretariat, judges, prosecutors, representatives of Member States’ ministries and law enforcement, had the opportunity to continue the…

EuroMed Justice Study Visit, The Hague

27 – 29 June 2023   the EuroMed Justice programme hosted the Chief prosecutors and Directors of judicial cooperation from the Ministries of justice of Algeria, Egypt, Israel, Jordan, Lebanon and Palestine. High-level criminal justice representatives had consultations and exchanged experiences with their colleagues from the Dutch Public Prosecution Service, judges of the International Criminal…

Meeting EuroMed Justice / EuroMed Police (CEPOL – Europol)

Wednesday 14th June 2023   EuroMed Justice received at Eurojust, EuroMed Police law enforcement analysts from Israel, Jordan and Tunisia, together with representatives from Europol and CEPOL. The key aspects discussed were synergies between the two programmes and possible cooperation in the EMPACT policy cycle.

17th CrimEx and 1st EMJNet meeting, Rome, Italy

6-8 June 2023   From 6 and 8 June took place in Rome the 17th CrimEx and 1st EMJNet sessions with the participation of 8 South partner countries, 9 EU member states and Eurojust representatives. CrimEx discussed the programme advancement, draft agenda of the EMJ PG Forum and envisaged priorities in two strategic areas of cooperation:…

Conference on Joint Investigations – Trier

15-16 May 2023     The Conference on joint and parallel investigations and exchange of information organised jointly between the Academy of European Law and the EuroMed Justice programme is a key achievement to the operational outcomes of the judicial cooperation process between South Partner Countries and EU Member States. The main goal of the…

Joint cross-border meeting, consultations, exchange of experience and operational challenges on combating trafficking in human beings and migrant smuggling

10-11 May 2023   The EuroMed Justice Programme organized at Eurojust on 10-11 May 2023 a joint meeting of high-level criminal justice and law enforcement officials specialised in the fight against trafficking in human beings (THB) and smuggling of migrants in Israel and Jordan. The objective of the meeting was two folded. Operational, to discuss…

EuroMed Environmental Justice Week

13-16 March     From 13 to 16 March 2023, the EuroMed Justice Programme organised the “EuroMed Environmental Justice Week” connecting Algiers and Verona on both Mediterranean shores: The “Conference on Environmental Justice in the Mediterranean” took place on 14 and 15 March, in Algiers, Algeria, organised jointly by Algeria, Tunisia and France within the…

Study visit in Luxembourg and Trier, Germany

7 – 9 March The EuroMed Justice Programme organised from 7 to 9 March a study visit in Luxembourg and Trier, Germany. Ten high-level criminal justice officials from seven South partner countries (Algeria, Egypt, Israel, Jordan, Lebanon, Palestine and Tunisia) visited the EPPO, the Prosecutor General’s Office, the European Academy of Law (ERA) and the…

Minister of Justice from Morocco visits Eurojust and the EuroMed Justice Programme to discuss the intensification of the cooperation

24 November On Thursday 24th of November, Eurojust and the EuroMed Justice Programme team had the honour to welcome H.E. Mr Abdellatif Ouahbi, Minister of Justice of Morocco, accompanied by H.E. Mr Basri Ambassador of Morocco in The Netherlands and Mr Hicham Mellati, Director of Criminal Affairs and Pardons at the Moroccan Ministry of Justice.…

Largest meeting ever of prosecutors combatting migrant smuggling

19-20 October | EuroMed Justice and Eurojust brings together largest meeting ever of prosecutors combatting migrant smuggling. Attachments eurojust-migrant-smuggling-meeting-10-2022 (102 kB)

Special CrimEx – 4th EuroMed Forum of Prosecutors General

11 – 13 October 2022   The 4th EuroMed Forum of Prosecutors General brought together high-level public prosecution officials from all European Union Member States as well as from Algeria, Egypt, Jordan, Lebanon, Morocco, Palestine¹ and, for the first time, Libya. The forum participants discussed the 2022-2025 Cross-Mediterranean Strategy, with the aim of deepening collaboration…

Round table on the development of curricula on international judicial cooperation in criminal matters

13 – 15 September EuroMed Justice, the Belgian Judicial Training Institute and the Romanian National Institute of Magistracy have co-hosted a round table on the development of the curricula on international judicial cooperation in criminal matters in South Partner Countries (SPC) and European Union Member States.   The event, organised under the EuroMed Justice Programme…

Euromed and South Partner Countries discuss environmental justice in Mediterranean Sea

22 – 23 June   In a dedicated conference, judicial practitioners from EU Member States and the South Partner Countries (SPCs) shared good practices for the more effective application of environmental law. The main aim of the event was to explore the development of a network of magistrates specialised in environmental law on both sides…

EuroMed Justice Conference on E-evidence and Personal Data Protection

31 May – 2 June   In close coordination with the French Ministry of Justice and under the French Presidency to the EU Council, the EuroMed Justice Programme organised the “Conference on e-evidence and data protection in criminal matters in the cross-Euro-Mediterranean region”. It took place in Lyon, France, between 31th May and 2nd June.…

Conference on Migrant Smuggling

12 -13 May 2022 First discussion on migrant smuggling with South Partner Countries   Judicial practitioners from EU Member States and the South Partner Countries (SPCs), have for the first time exchanged operational experiences and best practices on preventing, investigating and prosecuting migrant smuggling offences, during a dedicated conference. The conference was organised in Athens…

15th CrimEx – Regular session

10 – 11 May 2022 CrimEx discusses new EuroMed Justice cooperation instruments and progress in training activities   The 15th CrimEx meeting of the EuroMed Justice (EMJ) programme debated the development of practical tools for judicial cooperation with the South Partner Countries (SPCs), during a conference in Athens on 10 and 11 May. Updates were…

Round table for practice sharing organised in Bucharest, Romania

8 – 10 March 2022 From 8th to 10th March 2022 was organised in Bucharest, Romania, a round table with a two folded objective: sharing the best practices on the development of cross-Mediterranean curricula on international judicial cooperation in criminal matters by judicial training institutes and increasing the synergies with the Euro-Arab Judicial Training Network…

Operational and experience-sharing workshop organised in Belgium

01 – 03 February 2022 Operational and experience-sharing workshop on the subject of international exchange of information on the detection and recovery of criminal assets between Belgium and Lebanon EuroMed Justice Programme organised in Brussels, Belgium, a technical assistance facility (TAF) workshop on sharing experience on international exchange of information for the detection and recovery…

Special CrimEx – 3rd EuroMed Forum of Prosecutors General

23 – 25 November 2021 A Special CrimEx and 3rd Forum of Prosecutors General took place from 23 to 25 November 2021 at Eurojust.   Programme / Strategic Plan / Action Plans Strategic Plan Action Plans

Regional Workshop on combatting hate online

8 – 10 November 2021 The first Technical Assistance Facility organised under the Technical Assistance Facility component of the EMJ Programme. Joint activity organised together between the French Embassy in Jordan and the Jordanian judicial authorities.   Organizers: French Embassy in Amman / Jordanian Judicial Authorities Date: 8-10 November 2021 Participating countries: Morocco, Tunisia, Jordan,…

14th CrimEx – Regular session

26 – 27 October 2021 The 14th CrimEx regular session is organised from The Hague, Netherlands, via videoconference on Zoom Pro online platform due to the ongoing restrictions related to Covid 19.   Objectives CrimEx 14th regular sessions will address: Agreement on the conclusions of CrimEx 13 meeting(14 – 15 September 2021) Discussions on: EMJNet…

13th CrimEx – Regular session

14 – 15 September 2021 The 13th CrimEx regular session is organised from The Hague, Netherlands, via videoconference on Zoom Pro online platform due to the ongoing restrictions related to Covid 19.   Objectives CrimEx 12th regular sessions will address: Agreement on the conclusions of CrimEx 12 meeting Discussions on: Update of EMJ tools and…

12th CrimEx – Regular session

12th CrimEx discusses roadmap towards EuroMed Judicial Network. The establishment of a EuroMed Judicial Network of contact points (EMJNet) is one the main objectives of the new phase of the EuroMed Justice Programme, hosted by Eurojust since May 2020.

Launching Conference


The EuroMed Justice (EMJ) Programme, hosted at Eurojust, has officially been launched with an opening conference in The Hague on 2 and 3 February. Participants from all eight involved South Partner Countries (SPCs)*, EU Member States and agencies joined the conference via video connection to mark the official start of the new stage of the…

11th CrimEx – Regular session


The EuroMed Justice Programme gathered this week an impressive number of participants during its 11th CrimEx session. This session, CrimEx members from 7 South Partner Countries and 9 EU Member States actively participated to the meeting. They welcomed representatives of Eurojust Board for the Relations with Partners, EJN, JITs, EJCN, Data Protection Office and Operations Department,…

10th CrimEx – Regular session


The high level Experts Group in Criminal Matters (CrimEx) established in 2017, in Madrid, Spain, during the 4th Phase of EuroMed Justice, will resume its activities on 23, 24 and 25th February when the representatives of key judicial authorities – Prosecutor’s Office, Ministry of Justice and High Courts or Judicial Councils – will convene during…